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Friday, December 20, 2013

From the Lab Revolutionizes the Beauty Industry: The First to Bring Award-Winning Neodermyl to Market #FromTheLab #Neodermyl



face cream 594 

From the Lab Revolutionizes the Beauty Industry: The First to Bring Award-Winning Neodermyl to Market

From the Lab, a beauty industry pioneer with a completely new type of monthly subscription service, is pleased to be the first to launch Neodermyl, the In-Cosmetics 2013 Best Ingredient of the Year, in the US. By working directly with some of the most innovative cosmetic labs in the world, From the Lab gives consumers access to cutting-edge ingredients and technologies up to 18 months before they hit retail.

Rejuvenating Face Cream No. 594, the brand's December selection, brings consumers two revolutionary, clinically proven active ingredients that have not been released anywhere in the US. Neodermyl, this year's must-have ingredient, is a highly efficacious complex of amino acids, copper, and methyglucose 6 phosphate that stimulate collagen and elastin, the building blocks of beautiful skin. In clinical studies, women reported as much as 15% reduction in depth of wrinkles after application. The second active, Senestem, is a groundbreaking active that targets microRNAs to recover skin density, firmness, and brightness. These two innovative ingredients each deliver anti-aging results that may be equivalent to costly in-office procedures. 

From the Lab liberates premier research labs around the world that are beholden to large players in the beauty industry and has a unique business model that allows products to be released quickly into the marketplace.  "Working with a brand like From the Lab is great for our company," noted Parand Salmassinia, General Manager of Induchem, which developed Neodermyl. "We are so proud of Neodermyl and having it released in a fraction of the regular time provides us with a mini focus group and invaluable customer insight."

"By collaborating closely with top labs and eliminating packaging, branding, and marketing costs, we've made the future of luxury beauty accessible to everyone, and delivered two of the most innovative ingredients of 2013 to our members months before they're released by major brands," said Steve Dworman, CEO of From the Lab. "Not only do we have a product that has a projected retail value upwards of $150, we have extensive clinical data that demonstrate real results."

Learn more about From the Lab at www.FromtheLab.com.

About From the Lab:
From the Lab works with the best cosmetic labs in the world to create the most advanced and high-end skin care, hair care, and color cosmetic products. Up to 18 months before these products hit retail and up to 80% off the projected price, members receive a full thirty day supply of one, two, or three products and can continue buying the products they love through the online store. Through the end of December, the brand is offering members a special charter membership at only $19.95 a month, with regular monthly pricing of $29.95, effective in January.

SOURCE From the Lab



  1. Whoa, this is really revolutionary for the beauty industry.

  2. Custom explainer videos can show how these innovations work and why they're so exciting. It's great to see them making a difference.


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